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Tamara Tan

"Be the change you want to you see."


Tamara is an Associate Psychologist at Thrive Psychology Clinic. In addition to her clinical role, Tamara is the Assistant Clinic Manager and Head of Thrive’s Programs Department and Marketing.

Tamara possesses an unwavering dedication to understanding and aiding individuals of all ages grappling with mental and emotional well-being.


This passion for her work ignited during her formative years and drove her to earn an Honors Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences and Psychology from the National University of Singapore. Her specific interests lie in the realms of Clinical and Educational/Developmental Psychology. She is particularly committed to assisting children and adolescents in coping with the challenges posed by life’s various stressors. Her fundamental belief is in equipping these young individuals with the necessary skill sets to independently conquer such hurdles in the future.


To achieve this, Tamara utilizes a range of therapeutic methodologies, including Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Behavioural Therapy (BT), Neurocognitive Therapy, and Dialetical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) aimed at reshaping, reinforcing, and guiding positive behaviours and thought processes.


With remarkable experience in serving diverse populations, including children with special needs, troubled adolescents, and marginalized individuals, Tamara actively contributes to workshops to equip educators with skills for managing children’s behaviour, supporting youth mental health, and suicide prevention.


In her ongoing journey, Tamara aspires to continuously refine and cultivate her skill set, extending her empathy and experience to those in need. Moreover, she harbors the ambition to enhance public awareness and empathy for mental health issues through her work.

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